Tips For Buying A Used Safe For Your Business
Posted on: 16 April 2015
A safe is a necessary security device for most businesses, but it can also be an expensive investment. Fortunately, used safes provide an alternative to new ones. Before going used, make sure you know what you want and what you need to check for.
Know Your Needs
The specific needs of your business determines which type of safe you should be looking for. For most businesses, one of the following options will most likely be the best choice:
Depository safe. These safes allow cash to be deposited in, but you can't pull it out without opening the entire safe. These are generally used in establishments where the clerks have no need to pull change throughout the day, or where management is available to pull change as needed.
Cash handlers. These work like depository safes, but they also allow clerks to pull out a limited amount of change when needed. These are the best choice in businesses where clerks have limited safe access and management isn't always readily available to make change.
Jeweler's safes. These are not meant for storing cash, but high value stock items. They offer both security and fire resistance. They are mainly used by businesses that stock small but highly valuable items, and they are used in conjunction with a depository or cash handler safe.
Check for a Reset
Regardless of the type of safe you need, the main thing you need to check for when shopping around is that you can reset the key or combination lock. Many newer safes use several locking mechanisms. There may be a digital or mechanical combination lock, along with a key lock.
The combination locks are generally easy to reset. You may be able to do it yourself, or a locksmith can easily handle it for you. Changing the keys for a safe depends on the manufacturer. Most safes can be rekeyed, but you may need to contact the manufacturer for instructions or for a referral to a locksmith. Before committing to a purchase, verify the rekeying process so you can decide if the cost and time is worthwhile.
Verify the Condition
A quick visual inspection can prevent a lot of problems when it comes to purchasing a used safe. Make sure there is no visible rust or corrosion on the exterior, interior, or moving parts of the safe. You must also verify that everything is moving smoothly and there are no errors showing on any digital displays.
The best way to ensure your safe is in good condition is to buy a used safe through a company that specializes in offering safes for sales. These often come fully serviced and rekeyed, saving you time and money in the long run.