Security Tagging, Auditing And Customer Bonuses

Posted on: 18 November 2015

Security tags and wireless inventory tags are no strangers to retail in 2015, but there are always new innovations that can be unlocked from existing technology. From advanced inventory management to getting quick information about a product, product tags can be used to do more than alert security systems. As you keep your products safe, consider a few innovative techniques that can be used with security tags.

Security Tags And RFID Tags Aren't Always The Same

Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags can be used for security purposes, but are not necessarily part of every security system. Many security systems use a similar wireless technology that is designed to alert when a matching security tag passes through scanners. For security tags with ink designed to identify (and ruin) a product taken by a thief, there's a lot of technology involved with creating a meaningful release of ink at just the right time.

RFID refers to a specific generation of technology that can be used for both security and information delivery. Think of bar codes or QR (Quick Response) codes used on other products; the information rings up at the register with the cost, but there's so much more information that can be stored.

Bar codes and QR codes can either be scanned and connected to an Internet database that delivers more information, or packed with information on the code itself. Bar codes are limited in information content, but long sets of instructions can be put into QR codes that can contain entire messages. 

These RFID tags are not always made out of ink and paper. QR codes can be designed with almost any material--especially the metal tag material used to alert security scanners. It's this combination that can create interesting, value-added services for customers without jeopardizing security.

Combining Customer Service And Security

The concept is simple: print RFID tags in the pattern of QR codes. The tag material can still be picked up by inventory scanners and security scanners, but interested customers can find additional information about the product in the store.

One issue with the age of mobile information is that customers can shop around for other stores while examining your store. Guide their focus to the additional values added by your store, such as donating proceeds to certain causes or giving detailed information about what went into bringing that product to your store.

Even if there are similar or better deals at other stores, customers may appreciate and support your store because of the wealth of information delivered by shopping--and aside from the cheapest customers, they may not want to walk to another store after investing time in your store.

Add wireless Internet as a basic service and you may build a culture of information that makes your storefront stand out. Contact a retail security systems professional to discuss your options when it comes to customizing security features.
