Five Reasons To Consider A Home Automation Security System

Posted on: 12 September 2016

In an age where mobile devices and the internet control many aspects of our lives, you can now add home security to that list. "Smart homes" are properties that are set up to be monitored remotely. Keep an eye on your property while working, traveling, or just taking care of basic errands by using smart phones, iPads, laptops, or even desktop computers. Below are five reasons you might consider investing in a home automation security system.

Protect Valuables and Deter Crime

Most automated home security systems have alarms that sound when someone tries to enter your home without the proper security codes. The audible alarm is usually enough to deter burglars but just in case an alarm signal alerts local authorities. This automated "911 call" also helps protect you or your loved ones if you are at home during the burglary attempt. An alarm message is also delivered to your mobile device so you are immediately advised of the problem.

Instant Notification of Potential Fire or Gas Issues

Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are usually wired into the automated security system. The latter alarm is used to detect odorless yet deadly carbon monoxide gas, sometimes produced by faulty furnaces. If you are home, you will hear the audible alarm, but the system also sends notification to your mobile devices. Depending on the alarm installation firm, you may opt to have local authorities advised of the situation.

Remote Access Allows You to Keep Track of Your Kids

With most families having two parents working outside the home, the remote access provided with automated security systems comes in handy for keeping an eye on your kids. The access apps let you view the entry way and remotely unlock the front door if you have an automated door lock system . Remote cameras inside of your home let you check up on whether your teenagers have invited anyone home with them, and just what they are up to.

Save Money on Utilities

Suppose you've gone out of town and you don't remember if you've adjusted the thermostat on your HVAC system or turned off the lights. Many security systems offer remotely controlled thermostats and electrical outlets that may be adjusted or turned off from your mobile device. Taking care of these tasks can lower your utility bill. The remote light feature also allows you to turn random lights on and off to create the illusion that someone is home.  

Lowers Your Homeowners Insurance

According to the FBI, a home burglary in the United States takes place roughly every 15 seconds. Statistics show that homes without home security systems are targeted roughly three times more often than protected homes. Insurance companies love it when clients install these systems and typically offer average discounts of roughly 20 percent.

For more information, contact companies like Vintage Security.
